Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury

At a Glance

Assessment: GL 11 Plus (Kent test)
Fees Type: Free
Boarding: Day school
Admissions: Boys Only
Places per year: 150


The Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, sometimes referred to as ‘The Langton’, is an 11-18 foundation grammar school located in Canterbury. Whilst single gender in the main schools, girls are welcomed into the coeducational sixth form. The school holds dual specialisms in Science and Mathematics attracting additional funding to their programmes. Headmaster Ken Moffat espouses the value of research led learning stating that the school has ‘…spent years perfecting a genuine research based philosophy of education which we think is unique in the country and believe really equips our students to succeed at university and beyond.’ Simon Langtons Grammar School for Boys operates a five house system and there are regular competitions in fields such as sport and music. An altruistic nature runs in the school in the form of regular fundraisers but perhaps most clearly by the partnership with their Ugandan link school Dr. Obote College. 

Students at the Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys perform admirably in their core GCSE subjects, achieving grades of 5 or above in English and Maths in 92% of cases, compared to national average where only 43% of pupils achieve these grades. Achievement is also high in a wider range of subjects as is seen by an Attainment 8 score of 69.6 versus the national average 46.7. This metric indicates how well pupils have performed in up to 8 of their GCSE’s across several categories including English, Maths, three English baccalaureate subjects such as Sciences, humanities and languages plus three other subjects. Statistically speaking, the school increases the potential of their boys above nationally expected levels. The Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys has a Progress 8 score of 0.41 (on a scale of 1 to -1). Progress 8 compares children in different schools who started with similar Key state 2 results and asks how well they had done by the end of Key stage 4. A Progress 8 score of +1 would indicate that compared to the nationally expected progress, children had achieved one grade higher than average, given their starting point. This places the Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys in the ‘Above average’ category. 

Making an application to Grammar school can be a daunting prospect with so many dates to keep track of and the all important selective entrance test to prepare for. Luckily we at 11 PlusHero are here to help! We host all of the information that you could require to decide which grammar school is the best fit for you. If you have decided to make an application to the Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys and need to prepare for their selective entrance exam The Kent Test then we have all of the information and vital practise paper materials that you will need for your son to put their best foot forward.

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys Key Information

We at 11 Plus Hero can provide you with key school contacts and information for Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys.

School Address

Full Address:

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys
Langton Lane, Nackington Road

Contact Information

Admissions Email [email protected]
Main Office Email [email protected]
Main Office Phone 01227 463567
Admissions Email [email protected]
Main Office Email [email protected]
Main Office Phone 01227 463567

Parking in the school

Parking is not available on the premises but there are a number of car parks in close proximity. 

Additional parking off site

New Dover Road Park & Ride, New Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3EJ. Mon-Sun 24h

Additional parking off site

New Dover Road Park & Ride, New Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3EJ. Mon-Sun 24h

Key Information for Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury

PAN* for Year 7 intake (2023)


Total Student Capacity Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Total Students Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Percentage Capacity (2022)


Latest Ofsted Rating (2013)


Selection Test

The Kent Test - GL 11 Plus

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys Key Dates and Application Information

It can be difficult and confusing to keep track of all the application deadlines and dates for grammar school application, so 11 Plus Hero has compiled them for you in one place.

Applications for Secondary School intake 2023

1st September to 31st October

Open Events

Monday 17th October; Tours available at 9.30am, 11.30am & 2.30pm Tuesday 18th October; Tours available at 9.30am, 11.30am & 2.30pm Wednesday 19th October; Tours available at 9.30am & 11.30am Thursday 20th October; Tours available at 9.30am, 11.30am & 2.30pm

Registration for Kent test

1 June 2022 - Friday 1 July 2022

Registration of Special educational needs and disability by the child's current school’s special educational needs coordinator.

12th July 2022

Kent Test - Exam date for children attending school in Kent

Thursday 8th September 2022

Kent Test - Exam date for children attending school outside of Kent

Saturday 10th September 2022

Kent Test Results Date

Tuesday 18th October 2022 Emailed and posted first class the same day

Common Application form (CAF) Deadline

31st October 2022

Application Documents for Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury

11 Plus Hero stays up to date on information from local government and school specific sources to provide you with the most accurate information. We here compile the most important sources if you wish to see them for yourself.

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys Admission Policy 2023/ 2024 (Including Supplementary Information Form for Pupil Premium Admission)

View PDF

Information for the Kent test

View PDF

Kent council school application dates

View PDF

How to apply

View PDF

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys Exam Format

Applicants to Grammar Schools in Kent all sit the Kent Test in order to determine who is eligible for admission to these selective schools. This test is produced by the GL 11 Plus exam board and features multiple choice questions assessing children’s development in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Given that this test is shared by the 31 other grammar schools in Kent we have chosen to make a single centralised page providing in depth details of the Kent Test so that we can give consistent and thorough advice to all applicants across Kent. This article can be found here – Selective Tests in Kent – The Kent Test’. 

The GL 11 Plus Kent Test: Overview

There are five parts to the Kent Test split into two papers and a writing exercise. Paper one will assess your daughters progress towards KS2 targets and Paper two assesses your daughter’s logical reasoning.

Paper One

A multiple choice English and Maths paper written by GL 11 Plus and lasting 1 hour


Paper Two

A multiple choice Verbal Reasoning and Non-verbal reasoning paper written by GL 11 Plus and lasting 1 hour



A creative writing exercise written by the school and lasting 40 minutes

The Kent Test - GL 11 Plus Assessment Criteria

English Maths Verbal Reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning Additional

Pass Mark

The GL 11 Plus Kent Test: Pass Criteria

Selective entrance tests do not generally have a set pass mark or percentage that must be reached to be eligible for admission. Instead they are intended to identify the top ~25% of students nationally. As such the passing threshold changes every year depending on well all of the children taking the test did in that year. Raw scores from each of the multiple choice paper actions will be pooled, standardised and combined to create a single aggregate score. Applicants aggregate score must be above this determined threshold to qualify for grammar school. For more information and examples of thresholds from previous years, please see our centralised article ‘Selective Tests in Kent – The Kent Test’. 

Pass Mark

The GL 11 Plus Kent Test: Pass Criteria

Selective entrance tests do not generally have a set pass mark or percentage that must be reached to be eligible for admission. Instead they are intended to identify the top ~25% of students nationally. As such the passing threshold changes every year depending on well all of the children taking the test did in that year. Raw scores from each of the multiple choice paper actions will be pooled, standardised and combined to create a single aggregate score. Applicants aggregate score must be above this determined threshold to qualify for grammar school. For more information and examples of thresholds from previous years, please see our centralised article ‘Selective Tests in Kent – The Kent Test’. 

Catchment Area

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys operates a priority catchment area within a 9-mile radius from the school. Details of which can be found in their Admissions Policy located in the Application Documents section. 

Boys will be granted admission based on the admission priority scheme outlined below followed by the proximity of their permanent location of residence to Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys as determined by the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) address point data. 

Additional Eligibility

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys operates superselective admissions. This means that boys receiving higher marks are granted a priority of admission over some others. However children from certain backgrounds may be granted priority of admission if attending would be especially beneficial to a medical or social need. Below is the ranked priority order of admission to Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys. 

  1. Boys with an Education, Health and Care Plan which specifically mentions Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys will be admitted automatically.
  2. Children who either are currently looked after or have previously been looked after by the local authority. 
  3. Boys with Kent Test scores 20 or more marks above that years threshold pass mark in order of: 
  1. Those with a special health or access requirement that would be met by the school specifically (especially those falling under the Equality Act of 2010). Application under this clause must be evidenced via a written letter from a medical or otherwise practitioner. 
  2. Boys with a sibling in attendance of either the main school of sixth form
  3. Boys who are eligible for Pupil Premium (i.e. they have been in receipt of free school meals at any point within the last 6 years). Application under this clause must be made alongside the Supplementary Information Form for Pupil Premium Admission found in the Application Documents section. 
  4. Any other Boy with a Kent Test score 20 marks above the threshold who occupies permanent residence within a 9-mile radius of the school. Those closest will be granted priority. 
  1. Boys who pass the threshold mark for the Kent Test in order of: 
  1. Those with a special health or access requirement that would be met by the school specifically (especially those falling under the Equality Act of 2010). Application under this clause must be evidenced via a written letter from a medical or otherwise practitioner. 
  2. Boys with a sibling in attendance of either the main school of sixth form
  3. Boys who are eligible for Pupil Premium (i.e. they have been in receipt of free school meals at any point within the last 6 years). Application under this clause must be made alongside the Supplementary Information Form for Pupil Premium Admission found in the Application Documents section. 
  4. Any other Boy with a Kent Test score 20 marks above the threshold who occupies permanent residence within a 9-mile radius of the school. Those closest will be granted priority. 

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, Canterbury FAQs

  • The threshold pass year is determined on a yearly basis and is based on the results from that year. As such it is not possible to provide the passing threshold ahead of time. For more information see the Pass Mark section. 

Simon Langton Grammar School for Boysoperates the GL 11 Plus exam board provided Kent Test to determine if Boys qualify for admission to their school. The Kent test involved two papers, with four sections of multiple choice questions. For more details see the Exam Format section. 

  • Familiarisation materials are hosted by Kent County Council and can be found in the Application Documents section. 
  • The GL 11 Plus Exam board also produces practise papers for purchase. 

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