Townley Grammar School

Townley Grammar School

At a Glance

Assessment: CEM 11 Plus
Fees Type: Free
Boarding: Day school
Admissions: Girls Only
Places per year: 224


Townley Grammar School is a selective academy for girls in Bexleyheath, Kent. The primary endeavour of Townley is to instil a great work ethic in its students so that they can use the essential skills of hard work and dedication in all aspects of their life in the future. They recognise that success can only be built through small failure and that these failures are not bad but an essential part of growth in both an academic sense and as a person. The school hopes to inspire its students to be the very best that they can be. In a 2021 report, Ofsted stated that Townley Grammar School continues to be “Outstanding”, however it may have fallen slightly since 2015. Ofsted reported that the students are confident, articulate and ambitious, that they feel safe and enjoy themselves. The teachers have strong knowledge and use testing effectively, and support those that need it well. 


In 2019 Townley Grammar School achieved a Progress 8 score of 0.7, which is “Well above average”. 93% of the GCSE students achieved a 5+ in Maths and English, compared to the local average of 49%. The Attainment 8 score for Townley Grammar School was 73.2, 23 points above the local average. The 77% of students at Townley Grammar School who took the EBacc, achieved an average score of 6.74, 2.4 points above the local average.


It is very common for grammar schools such as Townley Grammar School to be oversubscribed, when this happens the standard for entry increases by a lot. When competition is so high for places it’s good to have an edge to have the best chance you can. 11 Plus Hero can offer you that with our past papers, making your practice for the entry exam even better.

Townley Grammar School’s Key Information

This is information to help you locate and contact Townley Grammar School, as well as some key information of the school.

School Address

Full Address:

Townley Grammar School, Townley Road

Contact Information

Email Address [email protected]
Telephone (Main Office) 020 8304 8311

Parking in the school

There is parking within the school as well as on-street parking down the road.

Additional parking off site

  • Car Park: 3 Royal Oak Rd, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AD, 0.5 miles from the school.
  • Car Park: Albion Rd, Bexleyheath, DA6 7JJ, 0.5 miles from the school.

Additional parking off site

  • Car Park: 3 Royal Oak Rd, Bexleyheath, DA6 7AD, 0.5 miles from the school.
  • Car Park: Albion Rd, Bexleyheath, DA6 7JJ, 0.5 miles from the school.

Key Information for Townley Grammar School

PAN for Year 7 intake (2023)


Total Student Capacity Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Total Students Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Percentage Capacity (2022)


Latest Ofsted Rating (2021)


Selection Test

CEM 11 Plus

Townley Grammar School’s Key Dates and Application Information

Here are the dates related to the application and exams for Townley Grammar School.

Open Mornings

18th October 2022 19th October 2022 20th October 2022

Open Evenings

18th October 2022 20th October 2022

Entry Exam Registration

3rd May 2022 to 1st July 2022

Entry Exam Date

The week of the 12th September 2022

Entry Exam Results Date

7th October 2022

Common Application form (CAF) Deadline

31st October 2022

Application Documents for Townley Grammar School

The following links will help with the understanding of the admissions policy and Bexley Selection Test in greater detail.

Townley Grammar School Admissions Policy 2023-2024

View PDF

Bexley Selection Test Registration

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About the Bexley Selection Test

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About the Bexley Selection Test

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Townley Grammar School Exam Format

Townley Grammar School uses the Bexley Selection Test procedure set out by Bexley Council. Children applying for a place at any of the grammar schools in Bexley must take the Bexley Selection Test.

The Townley Grammar School Entry Exam: Overview

The Bexley Selection Test involves two CEM papers each made up of questions testing Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Maths. Most of the questions will be multiple choice. The papers will both be taken on the same day with a short break in between them. The Verbal Reasoning questions are weighted twice as high as the Non-Verbal Reasoning and the Maths questions.

2 Papers

Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Maths questions

CEM 11 Plus Assessment Criteria

English Maths Verbal Reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning Additional

Pass Mark

The pass mark is determined by Bexley Council and is set so that approximately 30% of people sitting the test achieve it. All applicants must achieve the pass mark in order to be awarded a place. The top 180 scoring people in the Bexley Selection Test will be given the highest priority for places in whichever school in Bexley they choose to apply for.

Pass Mark

The pass mark is determined by Bexley Council and is set so that approximately 30% of people sitting the test achieve it. All applicants must achieve the pass mark in order to be awarded a place. The top 180 scoring people in the Bexley Selection Test will be given the highest priority for places in whichever school in Bexley they choose to apply for.

Catchment Area

Townley Grammar School does not use a catchment area, insead priority within a category is given to those living closest to the school. Should there still be places after being awarded to all applicants who achieved the pass mark then the remaining places will be awarded based on distance from the school.

Additional Eligibility

Order of priority for places is as follows. 

  • “Education, Health and Care Plan”
  • “Looked After Children”
  • “Pupil Premium” – Applicants who qualify will be awarded places in order of distance from the school. 
  • Siblings of children currently attending a school within the “Odyssey Trust for Education”
  • Children of members of Odyssey Trust staff

Townley Grammar School FAQs

There is a pass mark however it cannot be known as it is not set until after the exam has been taken. If you can score within the top 180 applicants in the Bexley Selection Test you will be awarded a place at any of the grammar schools.

Townley Grammar School uses the Bexley Selection Test, for more information visit the Bexley Selection Test page (LINK)

CEM papers can be purchased online from many websites.

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