Queen Mary’s Grammar School

Queen Mary’s Grammar School

At a Glance

Assessment: CEM 11 Plus
Fees Type: Free
Boarding: Day school
Admissions: Mixed Boys and Girls
Places per year: 180


Queen Mary’s Grammar School is an academically selective school, it values the well-being of its students above all. National attention has been drawn to the school due to the “Change Your Mind” campaign, which focused on mental health. The school’s community spirit is shown in its house system, where students are able to compete against each other in house competitions. There are also extracurricular activities available such as membership of their cadet force, team sports, and foreign expeditions. 


98% of students at Queen Mary’s Grammar School achieved 5+ in Maths and English GCSEs. Queen Mary’s Grammar School also achieves an attainment 8 score that is almost 30 points higher than the average in England. 


Schools such as Queen Mary’s Grammar School use tests to select which students will be accepted. Finding out all the details of these tests, and how best to aid in the preparation process for these tests, can be a challenge. In addition to this figuring out how to apply and what the requirements for application can be difficult. This is where 11 Plus Hero comes in! We’re here to do all the difficult work for you, we’ve collated all the relevant information onto our website for your convenience. We also offer practice papers and additional guidance, kept up to date with current requirements, so that you have the best chance of getting your child a place at the school of their dreams.

Queen Mary’s Grammar School Information

This is important information on where to find the school, how to best contact the admission team, and the key information of the school.

School Address

Full Address:

Queen Mary’s Grammar School, Sutton Road
West Midlands

Contact Information

Telephone (Main Office) 01922 720696
Admissions Email [email protected]
Admissions Email [email protected]

Parking in the school

There is parking in the school, and on the streets around the school.

Additional parking off site

  • Car park on Upper Rushall St, WS1 1QJ, which is 0.7 miles away from the school.
  • Car park on Lower Rushall St, WS1 2AE, which is 0.7 miles away from the school.

Additional parking off site

  • Car park on Upper Rushall St, WS1 1QJ, which is 0.7 miles away from the school.
  • Car park on Lower Rushall St, WS1 2AE, which is 0.7 miles away from the school.

Key Information for Queen Mary’s Grammar School

PAN for Year 7 intake (2023)


Total Student Capacity Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Total Students Years 7 to 13 (2022)


Percentage Capacity (2022)


Latest Ofsted Rating (2021)


Selection Test

CEM 11 Plus

Queen Mary’s Grammar School Key Dates and Application Information

A summary of the key dates for the application and examination to enter Queen Mary’s Grammar School. Links are provided for additional information and for application.

Applications for Secondary School intake 2023

31st October

Open Day

9th June 2022

Registration for CEM 11 Plus Entry Exam

7th July 2022

Entry Exam Date

24th September 2022

Results Day

10th October 2022

Common Application form (CAF) Deadline

31st October 2022

Application Documents for Queen Mary’s Grammar School

These are links to important documentation and application processes to help you in applying for Queen Mary’s Grammar School 11 Plus Entry Exam.

Queen Mary’s Grammar School Admissions Policy 2023-2024

View PDF

Admission Guide

View PDF

Familiarisation Guide

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Queen Mary’s Grammar School Exam Format

Queen Mary’s Grammar School selects its students based on the CEM 11 Plus entry exams that are common to all the schools in the Consortium of Grammar Schools in Shropshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton. This common exam consists of two papers, testing Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Mathematics. There is no pass mark for this exam, instead places are given according to merit in the exam. Queen Mary’s Grammar School does not use a catchment area, but prioritises children attending schools found in the Walsall Children’s Services Directory.

Two Papers

Testing Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Mathematics

Each paper is approximately 50 minutes

CEM 11 Plus Assessment Criteria

English Maths Verbal Reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning Additional

Pass Mark

Queen Mary’s Grammar School does not use a pass mark for determination of places awarded. Instead exams are ordered by merit and places are given to those who have scored highest in the entry exam. There is a minimum qualifying score for the purpose of allowing “Pupil Premium”” and Looked After Children” entry to the school.

Pass Mark

Queen Mary’s Grammar School does not use a pass mark for determination of places awarded. Instead exams are ordered by merit and places are given to those who have scored highest in the entry exam. There is a minimum qualifying score for the purpose of allowing “Pupil Premium”” and Looked After Children” entry to the school.

Catchment Area

Queen Mary’s Grammar School priorities applicants from schools listed in Walsall Children’s Services Directory before others.

Additional Eligibility

  • Looked after Children achieving above the minimum qualifying score be given a place above all others. 
  • Pupil Premium: 30% (54) of the places will be given to Pupil Premium students. This will be done in order of merit, once all 54 places are filled the remaining students slot back into the order of merit. 

Queen Mary’s Grammar School FAQs

The qualifying mark that is determined by the school after the exam results have been collected is not a pass mark. It is merely there to determine entries for “Looked After Children” and “Pupil Premium” students. It should not be used as a benchmark for other students.

Queen Mary’s Grammar School’s 11 Plus entry exam is a CEM 11 Plus exam shared by all schools that are members of the Consortium of Grammar Schools in Shropshire, Walsall and Wolverhampton. The exam can be taken to enter any of the schools in this consortium. The exam is 2 tests, each 50 minutes long, and testing your child’s ability in Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Maths.

While Queen Mary’s Grammar School does not provide practice exam papers for the CEM 11 Plus Exam, Queen Mary’s High School does. They can be found through the link above.

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